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Not sure what the Maryland Democratic Central Committee Does? Click below, and learn more about the role the Central Committee plays in creating a strong democratic party.
In today’s climate, it is important that we all take part in the change that we all know we need. It is no longer okay to simply stand back and watch, but to become engaged and part of the action. Everyone doing his or her part is significant to making a difference. We may differ in thoughts and opinions, but that is okay, because that uniqueness is relevant and it matters. From community members to local and national politicians, we are all activists and we need to come together to get the change we not only need but also demand!
I decided to come in from the sidelines, pull up my bootstraps and do my part. WE are the change that WE want to happen. I would love for you to join me and become part of the change. You do not have to be a politician because there is so much more to it than that. From churches to schools to community organizations, we need people like you to join us. The significance is working together, being the change, and creating the change. #StandWithMe #DoyourPart